
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

50% FUNDED after Day 1! Thank you!!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 08:33:52 AM

Dear DAY 1 Backers!

We are 50% FUNDED after launching for one day. Thank you all for your trust and support!

It's another regular Friday night. After a long day of hard work (we all have our own day jobs) and a long night staring at the Kickstarter page ✺ω✺, we gather together to review our progress and the following plans for this one-month campaign. 

Front: Zong-Ger. Back (left to right): Wendy, Smoox, David, Poki

There are a few plans to share with you:

1. The designer Zong-Ger has built the Tabletop Simulator module for playtesting for a long while. We will arrange some demo sessions and Zong-Ger will teach you how to play the game. Dates and times will be announced soon!

2. Smoox will be flying to New York next Wednesday and then heading to Alan Moon's Gathering of Friends in Niagara Falls on Friday. He will bring Taiwan Night Market to play with people when the chance presents itself. If you are attending the Gathering, too, say hi to him and give the game a try. If you're in New York and want to hang out with him, he will be happy to meet up!

3. Although we're still 50% away from the funding goal, we have faith that we can unlock the Night Market Booster Expansion with your support. This expansion provides a whole lot of cool stuff for players to sharpen their strategy in the game. We really look forward to adding this to your Kickstarter version!

In the coming weekend, we will keep working on the promotion of this campaign. You can also help us boost the momentum with a few simple steps:

  • Share this campaign on social media or mention it to your gaming group.
  • Become a fan of this game on BoardGameGeek.
  • Talk to your FLGS to check out our retailer pledge.
  • Ask around to see if you can find some people to do a group order to offset the shipping cost.

Any small gesture helps! Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger