
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

500 Backers! French Rules, Live Stream Coming Soon!
about 1 year ago – Mon, May 01, 2023 at 12:05:57 PM

Dear backers,

We just reached 500 BACKERS

Thank you, our 500+ backers! We start to imagine that 500 copies of Taiwan Night Market will be played around the world (well, mostly in the US lol), and people got fascinated by the night market scenes and delicious food and decided to visit Taiwan someday to have the first hand experience in some of the night markets here. We can proudly say that we might have helped sell at least 500 cups of Bubble Tea. :P

French Rules (V0.9)

Sandrine, an enthusiastic backer from France, proposed to us to help with the French translation of the rules. The translation was done very quickly (You are amazing Sandrine! Thank you!) and we have uploaded the file to BoradGameGeek (click HERE). After the campaign, we will edit the layout of the rulebook and provide the official version online for people to download. If you know where to share this news or if you have some French-speaking friends who might be interested in this, please spread the word! Thank you!

Live Stream Coming Soon

During Alan Moon's Gathering of Friends, Smoox taught Edward from Heavy Cardboard how to play Taiwan Night Market and that game was epic! Jeroen from Splotter Spellen won the game with his unbelievably precise bidding strategy (for both the bidding prices and locations). 

Edward is planning for a live stream in the following days. If you want to watch a detailed rules explanation and play-through, stay tuned for the announcement!

4 Days Left!

26 days passed. We are coming to an end. It's an exciting journey. Let's unlock some more stretch goals! :)

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

200% FUNDED! 5th Player Expansion Unlocked! Boosters Explained (3/3)
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 01:46:56 PM

Dear backers,

Yes, we made it to 200% funded!!

And the 5th Player Expansion is unlocked! We are so grateful for your support! 

Night Market Boosters Explained (3/3)

In Update 7, we explained how the Night Market Booster Expansion is played, and covered the Booster effects from Levels I & II. Today we will go through the remaining Boosters.

  • III-1. 3-Stall Franchise. Whenever you build a 3-Stall Franchise, immediately gain $7. This will also be triggered when you change the color of a Stall to make a new 3-Stall Franchise (e.g., AA"B" is changed to AA"A").
  • III-2. Extra Seats (Permanent). Take one of the Extra Seat tokens. During the Building Phase, you can place the token on one of your Stalls. This Stall can accommodate exactly one additional customer.
  • III-3. Massive Renovation. Choose one of your Franchises, and change the color of all Stall cards in it to another color of your choosing.
  • IV-1. Rich Customers. For the remainder of the game, each customer who enters your Stalls will pay you an extra $1.
  • IV-2. Luxury Stalls (Permanent). Take one of the Luxury Stall tokens. During the Building Phase, you can place the token on one of your Stalls. For the remainder of the game, each customer who enters this Stall (or Franchise) will pay you an extra $2.

All Boosters in Level V provide extra money if you fulfill the requirement in a round.

  • V-1. If you have served 3 or more customers of the same color, gain $8.
  • V-2. If you have served 5 or more customers, gain $10.
  • V-3. If you have served 1 customer of each color, gain $12.

So, these are the Boosters. They will elevate the strategy level of Taiwan Night Market and create tons of variety for your gaming experience. We believe you will love them as much as we do!

5 Days Left!

Now that we have 5 days left for this campaign, let's unlock some more stretch goals!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

6 Days to Go, Shipping Cost for Retailers, More Stretch Goals Revealed!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 12:40:08 PM

Dear backers,

6 days left! We're on the way to unlocking the 5th Player Expansion. Keep going!

Shipping Costs for Retailers / Group Orders

Previously, we announced that the shipping costs for all countries are reduced (Update 12). And now we have calculated the shipping cost for retailers and group orders. You may check the numbers in THIS spreadsheet. The shipping cost per copy is lower in bulk orders, and we hope that provides a good incentive for your to find people to pledge for Taiwan Night Market together. :)

More Stretch Goals Revealed

$20,000 - 5th Player Expansion (Almos there!)

$22,000 - New Customers: Snakes (A new Booster token ability)

$24,000 - Stall for Rent (A new Booster token ability)

Usually, a Kickstarter campaign will have a strong push on the first day and the final 1-2 days. We don't know how much we can push, but we hope we can unlock the above stretch goals and maybe some more!

Spread the Word!

Please help us spread the word by mentioning Taiwan Night Market to your gaming community, sharing our campaign link or promotion images on social media, or adding a copy of Vegetable Stock (it's designed by Zong-Ger, too) to your pledge without paying extra shipping costs! You can check out The Dice Tower and TheGameBoyGeek's reviews to find out why they are so excited about Vegetable Stock!

If you are still on the fence about whether you should back the game or not, find some friends to try it on Tabletopia to see if that's the type of auction game that you love.

You can also take a closer look (press z to zoom in) at Nuomi's detailed artwork!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

18K Trash Cans Unlocked, Play on Tabletopia, 20K for 5th Player Expansion!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 06:05:57 PM

Dear backers,

The third stretch goal was unlocked! Thank you! 

Taiwan Night Market is Available on Tabletopia Now!

If you want to get some feelings about how Taiwan Night Market is played and how the components look (or how detailed and cute the artwork appears), click HERE to check it out on Tabletopia! 

Taiwan Night Market was launched on Tabletopia today (huge thanks to the Tabletopia team!) and we played a quick game on it in the evening. Everything feels intuitive and smooth. The platform is FREE and we highly recommend giving it a try!

$20K Stretch Goal - 5th Player Expansion

There are 8 more days left for this campaign. We have a good chance to reach 20K and unlock the 5th Player Expansion. (Right? Right?) 

But we have some more goodies that we really want to make a reality for our backers. We will reveal them tomorrow and see how many of them we can unlock for this KS version of Taiwan Night Market!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Shipping Costs Reduced, 5th Player Expansion, Tabletopia Coming Soon!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 12:10:37 PM

Dear backers,

Good news! The shipping costs for all countries are reduced by $1~$4! 

Did you ask why? Well, since the total pledges in this campaign are not as high as we expected, we think that some of the fulfillment work (sorting, picking, packaging, etc.) can be done by ourselves instead of outsourcing to a third party (as in our previous plan and budget structure). The money saved will contribute to lower the shipping costs for you, our beloved backers. ❤️

If you were on the fence about backing Taiwan Night Market because of the shipping cost, maybe it's about time. ;)

20K Stretch goal - 5th Player Expansion

We are approaching the 18K stretch goal step by step ($356 shy as of writing), and it's time to show you the 20K SG - the 5th Player Expansion!

The 5th Player Expansion contains an additional set of 12 player tokens (wooden cat face) and 6 player discs (The other 24 discs are already included in the Night Market Booster Expansion, which we forgot to mention earlier). In a 5-player game, all 30 locations will be used. Every round, 6 locations will be revealed for bidding. The competition is getting even more fierce!

If you want Taiwan Night Market to be playable with a higher player count, please help us spread the word and share the Update with people who might like an auction game about delicious street food. :)

We have 9 more days to unlock these extra components and a few more non-revealed stretch goals. Keep the faith!

Tabletopia Coming Soon

Just a couple of pictures for teasing. :)

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger