
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

TTS Demo, 4-Player Playthrough, and Night Market Booster Expansion!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 05:21:05 AM

Dear backers,

Yesterday the designer Zong-Ger had a fun demo of Taiwan Night Market with two ambitious street food vendors on Tabletop Simulator. If you look closely, they played with the Night Market Booster expansion!

There are still spots open for the demo today. Sign up here: 

  •  April 12, Wednesday: 21:00-22:00 Taipei Time (UCT+8) | 15:00 Berlin | 09:00 New York

Playthrough by Cardboard East

Jay from Cardboard East just uploaded a playthrough video with 3 friends. Coincidently, they also played with the Night Market Booster expansion. They were running some serious street food business as the bidding went crazy from the very first round. Check out if that early investment paid out in the end!

Night Market Booster Expansion

After reaching the funding goal, now we can spend some time showing you the first stretch goal: Night Market Booster Expansion.

In this expansion, you can see 5 columns of different rectangles and circles with interesting icons on them. These are the "boosters" you can choose from every round. They provide you with special abilities to earn extra income or bend the rules in your favor. Take the first column as an example, you can choose one of the 6 combinations of dual colors as your booster, and for the remainder of the game, whenever you build a stall of those two colors, you get $1 as a bonus. This gives players different incentives when choosing their stall colors. At the end of the day, we all have different preferences for food, isn't it?

Looks like the designer Zong-Ger has found his preference. Yum yum...

We'll talk about the other boosters in the future. Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

about 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 11:33:42 PM

Dear backers!

We did it! Taiwan Night Market is 100% FUNDED!

We might have some Bubble Tea for celebration tonight and then keep moving on to unlock some stretch goals!

Before we leave for the Bubble Tea party, here are some reminders:

  • Don't forget to sign up for the TTS demo with the designer Zong-Ger today and tomorrow: 
  • Don't forget to take advantage of adding-on Vegetable Stock to your pledge to make your shipping cost worth every dime!
  • Don't forget to thumb up Nuomi's amazing Bubble Tea stall artwork on BoardGameGeek to push it to the BGG front page!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

The whole team from TBD and GG Studio

91% FUNDED! Vegetable Stock as Add-on Now!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 01:23:43 PM

Dear backers,

We're over 91% FUNDED! Almost there! Hold on tight. Because we have decided to bring Vegetable Stock to the Add-on!

Vegetable Stock is a small economic card game designed by Zong-Ger. The first edition was published in 2019 and the 3rd edition was released in Essen SPIEL 2022. It was very popular and easily our best seller at the fair. If you haven't heard about this game, check out the video below to see why Tom Vasel gave it an 8.5 and Chris Yi a 9!

You may add up to 4 copies of Vegetable Stock to your pledge without extra shipping cost (that's 400+ grams added to the parcel!). Yes, we will absorb the additional cost for you!

If you want to put some Vegetable Stock to your pledge, simply click on the "Manage your pledge" button right below the header of the campaign page.

After choosing your pledge level, you will see Vegetable Stock in the add-on menu. ;) 

Hope you are as excited as we are. Let's make Taiwan Night Market FUNDED and get some stretch goals rolling! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Designer Zong-Ger absorbing the chi from the night market!(?)

Don't forget to sign up for the TTS demo (April 11 & 12): 

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

200+ BACKERS! Thank you!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 09, 2023 at 11:25:17 AM

Dear 207 backers! 


Although we didn't smash through the funding goal as everyone would have hopes for, we are growing steadily towards to it! 

Thank you for spreading the word, becoming a fan of Taiwan Night Market on BGG, liking the image of Nuomi's Bubble Tea stall artwork on BGG (can we make it into the hottest images on the BGG front page?), retweet our KS launch announcement, thumbing up our KS trailer video on Youtube, and doing many other actions to help promote this campaign!

There are some suggestions and inquires from backers about bumping up the pledge amount to help the campaign get funded more quickly. For example:

  • Provide Vegetable Stock and other small games from GG Studio as add-ons.
  • Increase the retailer & group order commitment pledge from $10 to a higher amount.
  • Add a few more keychain options or other accessaries featuring Nuomi's amazing artwork.

We're discussing these. What do you think? Are these something you would love to see happening? Let us know in the comments below. If you have other ideas, we definitely love to hear!

Speaking of the keychains, we choose Bubble Tea and Ice Cream stalls as the add-on options. Would you prefer other stalls?

Demo sessions on TTS

Designer Zong-Ger will teach you how to play Taiwan Night Market on Tabletop Simulator. Sign up here:

  •  April 11, Tuesday: 21:00-22:00 Taipei Time (UCT+8) | 15:00 Berlin | 09:00 New York
  •  April 12, Wednesday: 21:00-22:00 Taipei Time (UCT+8) | 15:00 Berlin | 09:00 New York

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Tutorial & Review by Cardboard East, TTS demo with designer, 66% Funded!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 08, 2023 at 09:30:19 AM

Dear backers,

Jay at Cardboard East uploaded his tutorial and review video earlier today. Check out what he wants you to know about Taiwan Night Market.

Jay has been reviewing games from Asia on his channel since 2018. He is doing a great job as the ambassador for all Asian designers and publishers. With his passion and devotion, more and more hidden gems from Asia can be uncovered and being enjoyed by more gamers around the globe. And Taiwan Night Market is no exception! Thank you, Jay! 

Spoiler alert: One of his 2023 top 10 spots has been taken by a game about street food. (ゝ∀・)b 

Demo sessions on TTS

Designer Zong-Ger has made 2 time slots available for you to play Taiwan Night Market with him on Tabletop Simulator. 

  •  April 12, Tuesday: 21:00-22:00 Taipei Time (UCT+8) | 15:00 Berlin | 09:00 New York
  •  April 13, Wednesday: 21:00-22:00 Taipei Time (UCT+8) | 15:00 Berlin | 09:00 New York

If you are interested, pleases sign up here:

Taiwanese Crepe

Guess who was lucky to have a short trip to the nearby night market for dinner? (^ρ^)/

On the menu of this crepe stall, there are over 30 flavors for you to choose from! (We should have taken a photo!). Sweet, salty, or fruity. Anything goes tonight! 

67% FUNDED as of now. Wanna help us boost the progress? A few simple actions here:

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger