
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$30K Unlocked! Final Stretch Goal! 18 HR to Go!
about 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 01:09:59 PM

Dear backers,

We did it! $30K is achieved! Boss Cat Meeples are unlocked! Your bidding tokens will be super cute!

Final Stretch Goal - $35K Piggy Sister Round Marker!

This Piggy Sister is our team's favorite customer. We want to make it a meeple in the Kickstarter version for YOU, OUR BACKERS, to express our deepest gratitude for your support!

Some of you might expect the alternative game map to be revealed as the final stretch goal. We really wanted to do that but after a careful examination, we found that it's not a safe plan to unlock it at lower than $40K... (Our initial plan was around $50K to unlock the first map. It's a pity that this campaign didn't pick up enough momentum at an early stage to aim for this goal...)

We might release the map(s) in the future as a Night Market Map Expansion (like Power Grid) if there is a demand in the market. We will let you know through social media and the BoardGameGeek forum.

18 Hours Left

It's been an amazing 29-day journey so far. And we will enjoy the final hours of this campaign, too. We can't thank you enough!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

$26K Megaphone Unlocked! Zong-Ger's Designer Diary. 41 Hours to Go!
about 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 12:37:12 PM

Dear backers,

Thank you for jumping on the bandwagon to help us unlock the $26K stretch goal! Now you can use the Megaphone to lure hungry customers to your Ad-loaded stalls!

What Others Have Said About TNM

Taiwan Night Market was mentioned in a few videos yesterday and you might want to hear more about them. So here we go:

Jay from Cardboard East also posted a detailed tutorial video of Vegetable Stock and its sibling game "Boardgame Collectors." Don't forget that you can add Vegetable Stock to your pledge without paying extra shipping fees!

Zong-Ger's Designer Diary

With a little help from ChatGPT, the designer of Taiwan Night Market, Zong-Ger, has put together a designer diary for your enjoyment.  Click HERE to take a look! 

The neon light goes: "I'm a trash can."

41 Hours Left!

41 Hours Left, actually!

It's coming to the final 41 hours of this campaign. The final-days momentum has been super encouraging in the past 2 days! With your help, we should be able to unlock the $30K stretch goal and every backer will get 10 super cute Boss Cat meeples in the Kickstarter version! How cool is that!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

$24K Unlocked! 2 More SG Revealed! Recap of Campaign (to help you make the decision 😉)!
about 1 year ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 12:39:56 PM

Dear backers,

$24K Unlocked!

Now you can rent your lousy location to the grandma for a quick income of $3 and have no need to worry about the flow of customers!

$26K Megaphone, $30K Bidding Meeples

  •  Stretch Goal No. 7 | $26,000 | Booster: Megaphone tokens 

You can lure 1-2 customers to your stall with this loud megaphone booster!

Stretch Goal No. 8 | $30,000 | Boss Cat Meeples x10

Your 2 bidding tokens will be upgraded to Boss Cat meeples (approx. 31x20 mm). They are not only super cute but also help you visually distinguish the bidding tokens from the tokens used to mark the ownerships of stall cards.

Recap of the Campaign

We know some of you didn't have the chance to follow along with our campaign closely and probably need a short and informative recap to help you catch up with the current status. Here we go:

  • 6 Stretch Goals Were Unlocked.

Night Market Booster and the 5th Player Expansion bring the game to a whole new level!

  • Shipping Fees Were Reduced

Yes, we absorb some costs for you! Check out Update 12 for details.

  •  French & Spanish Rules Will Be Available Online 

Enthusiastic backers help us translate the rules. Formatted full-color PDF files will be uploaded to BoardGameGeek when they are ready.

  • Retailers and Group Orders

We provide good discounts for bulk orders (Link). Check the shipping fees HERE

Try it for free if playing helps you make the decision. :)

  •  Add-On: Vegetable Stock (also designed by Zong-Ger)

You can add up to 4 copies of VS to your pledge without extra shipping fees. Check out reviews by Tom Vasel and TheGameBoyGeek.

That's it for today. Final 41 hours. Let's unlock some more stretch goals!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

$22K Snake Customers Unlocked! Heavy Cardboard Live Stream Rocks! 3 DAYS TO GO!
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 12:53:16 PM

Dear backers,

We passed the $22K mark and unlocked another Booster: Snake Customers!

During the Building Phase of each round, you can choose one Snake Customer token and place it on one of the entry points. The Snake will walk along the street like a normal customer. Placing the Snake of the right color in the right place may bring a good lord of income to your big stall!

Heavy Cardboard Live Stream Was FUN!

Earlier today, Heavy Cardboard did a live stream teaching the rules of Taiwan Night Market and Edward, Danielle, and Derek had a very fun-to-watch game! Want to know who became the king of the night market? Watch the replay HERE and learn some tricks!


The next stretch goal, Stall for Rent tokens, is right around the corner. 

If you want to help us unlock it and some other stretch goals (to be revealed soon), please RETWEET, try it on TABLETOPIA, tell your FLGS about the RETAILER pledge, or add 1~4 copy of VEGETABLE STOCK (also designed by Zong-Ger) to your pledge without paying extra shipping fees!

Check out The Dice Tower review HERE.

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Heavy Cardboard Live Stream at 12pm EDT, May 2 (Go Live in 5 min!)
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 08:56:08 AM

Dear backers,

This is a very short update to let you know that Heavy Cardboard is doing a Live Stream for Taiwan Night Market at 12 pm EDT on May 2, which is 5 min from now!


We should have posted this update earlier but today is a very busy playtest day. And we had a very special guest, Kevin Hamano, the designer of Kites, joining us during his trip to Taiwan! We playtested many prototypes and he also taught us how to play Kites and we had great fun!

Wait, I shouldn't make this update this long... Anyways, get ready for the live stream!

