
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment begins! Get ready for Essen Pick-up.
9 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 07:29:18 PM

Dear backers,

Good news!

The fulfillment has begun today!

The factory manager pointing at the boxes of Taiwan Night Market.

The air mail takes 4-7 days to arrive in most Asian countries and 10-14 days to America and Europe. Please pay attention to the delivery man in the following weeks.

Why delay?

It's been a super busy month for boardgame publishers and manufacturers in Taiwan because the biggest boardgame convention (Taiwan Original Boardgame Expo, TOBE) just came to an end last week (Sep 15-17). Our manufacturer (also our fulfillment partner) was occupied by a massive wave of production queues (on top of the tight schedule for the production of the Mooncake Festival gift boxes...). We were a bit late in preparing and sorting out the shipping list and missed the window of getting the fulfillment begin before the storm. We are sorry about that. But now the factory has begun to handle the fulfillment. Your game will be on the way soon.

ps. We will ask the factory to provide the tracking numbers. But they don't have an automatic system so it will take some time to get the data.

Essen Pick-up

For those of you who choose to pick up the game in Essen SPIEL next week, please find our booth Taiwan Boardgame Design in Hall 4, D120. We have a list of names and please show us your pledge information with your backer's name on your phone or on a printed paper. 

The designer Zong-Ger will be demoing his new games at the booth most of the time. If you want a photo or an autograph, you should be able to find him with ease...

Zong-Ger, the designer of Taiwan Night Market, Vegetable Stock, Christmas Tree, and many more...

Our team will fly to Amsterdam tomorrow and attend the monthly gathering of AmsterDice on Sunday for some warm-up (anyone coming?) before heading to Essen next Monday. Look forward to meeting some of you in Essen!


Smoox, Jerry, and Zong-Ger

Production Completed, Surveys Sent, Ready to Ship out the Game!
11 months ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 10:31:03 AM

Dear Backers,

The production of Taiwan Night Market is completed!

Surveys Were Sent to All Backers

We sent out Pledge Manager surveys to all backers last week. There are still 243 backers not completing their surveys yet. We know it's almost impossible to have 100% of backers filling out their surveys, so we will begin the shipping process in August as planned with those non-respondents being handled individually after their surveys were completed. 

Pre-Order (Late Pledge) is Open

Thank you all for being patient and supportive. We look forward to sending TNM to you so that you can enjoy the game and admire the beautiful (and delicious) street food artwork with your gaming groups.

If you know someone who is late for the Kickstarter campaign and is eager to get a copy of TNM, please share the pre-order link with them:

Meanwhile, we're preparing for our pre-order for Essen SPIEL 2023. Some cool games are being released by our partners (including Zong-Ger, the designer of TNM). If you are going to Essen this October, be sure to visit our booth at 4-D120 to say hi!

Sincerely yours,

Smoox, Jerry, and Zong-Ger

Wooden Pieces Arrived, Production Almost Done, Shipping Begins in August as Planned.
11 months ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 10:49:33 AM

Dear backers,

Sorry for being quiet for a while. We're a bit caught up in the preparation for local conventions and the final editing of games that will be released in Essen SPIEL 2023.

This is a very short Update to let you know that everything is on schedule as the wooden pieces (outsourced from China) arrived at our factory last week. Final production and packing will take place soon and the shipping will begin in August as planned.

We will open the Pre-Order and send out some smoke tests of the Pledge Manager this weekend. Thanks for your patience!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Back from Tokyo Game Market, Pledge Manager Coming Soon, Next Stop UK Games Expo.
about 1 year ago – Wed, May 17, 2023 at 02:58:01 AM

Dear backers,

Sorry for being quiet in updates. We were just back from Tokyo Game Market (TGM), the biggest boardgame convention in Asia. And we're super honored to be invited to showcase Taiwan Night Market in the KICKSTARTER booth at the convention!

KICKSTARTER had a super cool booth and featured a variety of games that were crowdfunded on its platform (or will be running a campaign soon) by creators who were exhibiting at TGM. They also ran an event called "BLOW MY MIND" where they put cute Goose and promo cards at these creators' booths for people to collect and trade in for some goodies, which created some buzz for these games. Thanks, KICKSTARTER!

Pledge Manager Coming Soon!

People were excited about Taiwan Night Market after the demo in TGM. We also got many emails and messages asking how they can get Taiwan Night Market if they missed the campaign.

Yes, you can get the game in the Late Pledge (like a pre-order system). We are setting up the Pledge Manager now and it should be ready in a few days. Stay tuned!

UK Games Expo

The next stop for Taiwan Night Market is UK Games Expo in Birmingham during June 2-4. We will demo the game at the expo and you are welcome to try it at our stand #2-437.

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

We Did It! 818 BACKERS! $33,939 PLEDGED!
about 1 year ago – Sat, May 06, 2023 at 06:48:41 AM

Dear Backers,


It's been an amazing month with all your support along the journey. Now we will take some rest (SLEEPsssss!) and get back to the hard work next week. 

There is so much to do before getting Taiwan Night Market into your hands. But the production is aimed to be done by August. 

  • We will set up the Pledge Manger and send you the links to sign up or log in to the system to adjust your pledge, throw in add-ons, or edit your shipping details. More information will be announced in the coming Updates.
  • We will collect the information from retailers and group orders by May 20 so that we can finalize the quantity estimate and move on to production.
  • We will finish the rulebook and go through a few rounds of editing and proofreading to make it clean and clear.
  • We will work on the files of all the unlocked stretch goals and get them ready to print asap.

Here is our convention plan and you can check out the demo copy of TNM at TBD booth:

  • May 13-14 @ Tokyo Game Market (Booth ク23 & KS Japan booth)
  • Jun June 2-4 @ UK Games Expo (Stand 2-437)
  • Aug 4-6 @ Thailand ABGF (TBD)
  • Sep 15-17 @ Taiwan Original Boardgames Expo (Official release)
  • Oct 5-8 @ Essen Spiel 

If you are visiting any of these conventions, please do come by our booth and say hi! We might have some surprises for you! :D

Finally, we would like to end this campaign by saying this again:


The entire Taiwan Game Market Team