
Taiwan Night Market KS version

Created by TBD Games LLC

You can preorder Taiwan Night Market (Kickstarter version) at this Pre-Order page. You'll receive everything unlocked during the KS campaign and choose to add Vegetable Stock and those cute keychains to your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$16k Traffic Cones Unlocked, $18k Trash Cans Await!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 12:38:10 PM

Dear backers,

We are excited to see that our second stretch goal, Traffic Cones, has been unlocked! 

During the bidding phase, you can place the Traffic Cone token on one of the price spots on a bidding card to block it, forcing others to bid at a higher price. Use it wisely, you may secure the crucial locations for your street food empire!

Next up - Trash Cans at $18,000!

The third stretch goal is Trash Cans, which allows you to get paid by your opponents if any customers visit their stalls that are right next to yours (with the Trash Can token on it). Keeping the street clean is good for everyone's business and is also a good business $$$, isn't it? ;)

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Night Market in Gathering, New Convention in Taiwan, Trash Cans for Neighbors!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 12:12:45 PM

Dear backers,

This is a short Update with mostly photos. Firstly, some Taiwan Night Market photos during the Gathering of Friends! Everyone enjoyed it and provided valuable feedback. Some live streamings are coming soon!

A New Convention in Taipei 

There is a new convention happing this weekend in Taipei inside the Daan Park MRT station where you can enjoy the cozy sunlight while playing board games. Conventions in spring are brilliant!

We were a bit too busy to take some photos of our booth but the table presence attracts so many passers-by!  

Trash Cans Keep the Street Clean!

We're a few hundred away ($311, to be more specific) from unlocking the second stretch goal - Traffic Cones.  

And it's about time to reveal the 3rd SG -- Trash Cans!

What can be more annoying than someone littering in front of your stall!? Now you need the giant trash can (bag) for the ill-mannered customers and charge your neighboring stalls for providing such a nice service!

During the building phase, you can place the Trash Can token on one of your stalls. For each customer entering an opponent's stall that is adjacent to your stall with a Trash Can token, that opponent must pay you $1. Neighbors, Keep the street clean for tourists! ;)

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Night Market Booster Expansion Unlock!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 08:34:59 AM

Dear backers,

We just unlocked our first stretch goal, and now your copy of Taiwan Night Market will come with the Night Market Booster Expansions!

Next up are 4 tokens of Booster: Traffic Cones. You can use them to block one of the price spots on the bidding card to force other players to bid at a higher price. Use them wisely, you can save some bucks while securing the crucial location during the bidding phase!

Gathering of Friends

Smoox had a great time playing games and making friends at the Gathering. And he didn't forget to introduce Taiwan Night Market when the chance presents itself! Guess what? They love it!

We will update you with the plan for other stretch goals and the rules for the booster expansion. Before that, Smoox will go to play more Taiwan Night Market!

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Gathering of Friends, Livestream with Malaysian Hosts!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 10:05:52 AM

Dear backers,

The pledge was getting a bit quiet yesterday. We all know that in the middle of a crowdfunding campaign, there is a “flat-ish” zone where there are fewer new backers jumping in because they might be waiting to see how well the campaign will do (stretch goals) and make their decision at the final days. Our team will take a rest on the weekend (while Smoox is playing a lot of games at the Gathering! See below.) and come back with full energy to provide more news next week!

Gathering of Friends

Today, Smoox is heading to Alan Moon’s Gathering of Friends at Niagara Falls. It’s an invite-only event where many geeks (400-ish people this year) in the boardgame industry gather together for 10 days to play games, test prototypes, and have fun. Smoox might have chances to play Taiwan Night Market with fellow geeks there. We will post some photos or ask people for quotes about how they feel about the game after playing. Stay tuned!

Smoox also brings a few prototypes from Zong-Ger and other Taiwanese designers to test and get feedback from those industry veterans. Ideally, those games will be released in Essen SPIEL23. You can follow TBD’s Twitter and Instagram to know more about them.

Livestream with Malaysian Hosts

Tomorrow (Saturday, April 15) at 20:00 Taipei time (UCT+8), designer Zong-Ger will join Board Game Fantasy and Centlus Board Game from Malaysia to demo Taiwan Night Market on Tabletop Simulator. They will chat in English and Mandarin and you are welcome to watch their live stream! 

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger

Approaching 300 Backers! Night Market Boosters Explained (2/3)
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 10:56:35 AM

Dear backers,

We're approaching 300 backers! And only $1,000 pledges away from unlocking the first stretch goal! Before that happens, let's follow up with the rules of the Night Market Booster Expansion. 

When you play with the expansion, every round after revealing the general customers (Step 1-2) and before choosing your secret customer (Step 1-3), each player, following the turn order, can choose one of the Boosters to activate.

  • There are 5 levels of Boosters (I-V). You can choose the Booster from the level equal to or smaller than the current round number. For example, you can choose levels I, II, or III in Round 3.
  • If you choose a Booster level smaller than the current round number, you get $1 as compensation for each level lower than the current one. For example, if you choose a level II Booster in Round 4, you get $2.
  • Different players can choose the same Booster. There is no limit to how many players can choose the same Booster.
  • You can’t choose the same Booster more than once.

Yesterday we talked about Level I Boosters which reward you with $1 when you build certain colors of Stalls. Now let's dive into Level II.

  • II-1: For the remainder of the game, whenever you have built a 2-Stall combo, immediately gain $4. This will also be triggered if you built a 3-Stall combo by connecting 2 existing Stalls with a 3rd one in between.
  • II-2: Replace one of the Location cards revealed this round with another Location card from the deck. You can choose any Location card from the deck. In addition, immediately gain $3. Note: You can’t choose the location that was activated by other players with the effects of Booster II-2 or II-4.
  • II-3: Choose one of your Stalls, and change its color to the one of your choosing (if still available). In addition, immediately gain $2.
  • II-4: Choose one of the locations that were blocked during the setup of the game, it becomes available for bidding this round. In addition, immediately gain $2.

Level II Boosters provide you with strategies to change the accessibility of some locations in the game, which can make a huge difference if you plan to build some giant stalls that span over several locations.
 Changing the color of your existing stall can be crucial if you're blocked by others. Sometimes, you may also surprise your opponents by connecting stalls with this color-switch trick. :)

 We love how these Boosters change the dynamic and strategies of Taiwan Night Market. We can't wait to see it become a reality with your support to unlock the stretch goal!

Wendy trying the "Deep Sea" Bubble Tea. :)

Thank you and talk to you in the next Update!

Smoox, Jerry & Zong-Ger